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Online Services Usage Agreement (“Terms of Service”)
For Australia Robotic

These Terms of Service govern your use of

Terms of Use for Everyone

General: Your use of the Services constitutes your agreement to these Terms of Service. If you do not agree with these Terms of Service, please do not use the Services. Australia Robotic reserves the right to change, modify, add, or remove portions of these Terms of Service at any time. Please check this page periodically for any modifications. Your use of any of the Services following the posting of changes constitutes your acceptance of the changes.

Use of Content: You may print or download content on the Services only for your personal, non-commercial use. You may not publish, distribute, retransmit, sell or provide access to the content on the Services, except as permitted under applicable law or as described in these Terms of Service. You may not use data mining, robots, screen scraping, or similar data gathering and extraction tools on the Services, except with our express written permission. You may not decompile, reverse engineer or disassemble any software or other products or processes accessible through the Services, insert any code or product or manipulate the content of the Services in any way.

Use of Data: Please see our Privacy Policy for details about how we use and process the data we collect from our Services.

Feedback and Submissions. If you submit comments, ideas, or feedback to us, you agree that we can use them without any restriction or compensation to you.

Termination. If you violate these Terms of Service, we reserve the right to deactivate your account or deny you access to the Services, at our sole discretion, at any time and without notice or liability to you.

Dispute Resolution

Australia Robotic is an Australian registered company and operates under Australia Consumer law. For information on your rights please see the Australian Consumer and Competion website ACCC

Uncollected Goods

The Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act 1967 cover inspection, custody, storage, repair and other treatment of goods. Under this Act, uncollected goods may be sold six months after the date on which they were ready for collection.

A storage charge of $5 per day may apply to uncollected goods 7 days after notification on quote or invoice.

Due to a change in PayPal policy, PayPal will no longer refund transaction fees when a customer is refunded. When paying with PayPal all refunds will be minus the PayPal fee.

Unpaid Invoices

Any goods supplied by Australia Robotic that have not been paid for will be invoiced.

Unpaid Invoices will be subject to the the following

  • 15.5% interest charged 7 Days after the date of invoice.
  • All cost accured in recovering the debt including, but not exclusive to; legal costs, debt recovery services, admistration in recovering the debt.

An unpaid invoice can result from fraudulent claim or chargeback made through credit card or PayPal, NSF accounts or cheques or any other reason trying to defraud Australia Robotic.


Deposits are non refundable.

Using PayPal

Please note, Paypal has changed is policy and will not refund fees anymore, this means 2% will not be refunded on returns, this does not apply to credit card payments or bank deposit.

Account Removal

If you request to have an account removed, any discount given for creating an account will need to be paid before the account can be removed.


Create an account and get a 5% discount onThis is an instant offer only

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